Top tips for swirls

Swirls will always be in!! In this video, I will show you how to create flawless swirls each and every time no matter what brand you use!

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  1. Had another go at this and it’s still rubbish. My swirls just end up too straight even though I feel like I’ve curved them. Back to the drawing board πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

    1. Hi Jill …we are our own worst critics, but I get where you are coming from. When I first started swirls with Chan’s tutorials last year they looked like a cross between a snake and a coat hanger!! I didn’t post them but did send to Chan! Back to the drawing board is quite right and perseverance .. it wont take you too long before you are swirling away. I love a swirl now and defo post them!! xxx

        1. Your passion will keep you practicing .. you will soon be swirling all over!😍😍 Going to post my 2 snake/coat hangers … you will see! 🀣. If you check my instagram now I can officially say I have ditched the snake/coat-hanger looks!! Xxx Have fun Jill xx